What is MONEY? It is an ultimate question what everybody could answer and is familiar with...Or is it that? According to The Science Of Getting Rich, money is simply a medium of value. It can be explained by how an entrepreneur works for people. When an entrepreneur becomes rich, he succeeds in one thing. It is a universal thing. An entrepreneur succeeds in delivering enormous value to a large number of people and satisfying each personal value. They succeeded in fulfilling many people's dissatisfaction. In return, the entrepreneur receives money. For example, there is a fitness trainer who works day and night 24/7 and creates a Youtube video for millions of people in the world without charging anybody. Not only that, he offers healthy and supplemental food and also shares his proven exercises to help them in shape. As a result, many get motivated and become fit, and have confidence in themselves. His efforts have eventually led to large capital gains. There is nothing evil about becoming riches. Striving for riches is the struggle of being able to experience more of what the world has to offer.